Sunday, January 12, 2014

Junior High Mirror - Greenville (SC) Jr. High School Newspaper - May 1963

This is my copy of the the May 23, 1963 issue of the Junior High Mirror, which was the student newspaper at Greenville Junior High. Sadly this school, and even the building itself, no longer exists. It was located on Westfield Street in Greenville, South Carolina, atop Prospect Hill. I attended the 7th through the 9th grades at GJHS, and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed...actually loved...this school. It was here I became a "full blooded" Greenville High student. 

This is an image of how Greenville Junior High School looked in 1937. When I attended GJHS from 1961-64, it looked the same! The interior was quite dated and there were actual "potholes" in some of the hallway floors on the lower level. It was a great school though, and it felt like "tradition", which I liked a lot. 

Above is page 2 of the Junior High Mirror. As you have probably already discerned, this May 1963 Mirror is the final issue of the 1962-63 school year. As the final issue, there is the "Last Will & Testament" of the 9th grade class, bequeathing a "portion of their worldly goods to the rising eighth and ninth graders".

Page 3 contains the "Class Prophecy".

Page 4 contains the Ninth Grade Class History and an article listing students with perfect attendance for the 1962-63 school year.

After attending grades 7-9 at Greenville Junior High, I was excited to be promoted to the 10th grade. In 1964, I would get to go to the "school on the hill", Greenville  High!*

*After attending Greenville Senior High in 1964-65, my parents moved us out to the "boonies" of Greenville County and I was forced to attend Wade Hampton High School. I graduated from WHHS, but never felt that I belonged there. I'll always be a "Greenville High girl".

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Santa and the Easter Bunny use Western Union

Going through a box of Barbie doll clothes, I found two papers folded up in the bottom. I was surely surprised at what they were. Western Union Telegrams, addressed to me! It seems I just don't remember getting these at all, but there they were!

The Santa-Gram was the oldest, but not by much, dated December 1959, and sent to me at 111 Lowndes Hill Rd. in Greenville, SC, our address at that time. With an origination address of "North Pole", the telegram said: "From the land of snow and ice, with a pack of presents nice, my trusty deer are bringing me down, your house will be my first stop in town.= Santa Claus ="

The next telegram was the Easter Bunny-Gram, dated April 1960, and sent to me at 10 Dale Dr. in Greenville, SC. With an origination location of Bunnyland, this telegram said: "A little Happy Easter wish that's coming just to say: Sure hope a real fine girl has a real fine Easter Day.= Peter Rabbit =" 

Besides finding precious papers that my parents had taken the time to be sure I would receive (You do know they talked to Santa and Peter Rabbit to get this done, right?), I also got valuable information in the dates of the telegrams. Those dates, December 1959 and April 1960, tell me that it was at the first of the year in 1960 that we moved to Dale Dr. from Lowndes Hill Rd. I had often wondered just when we moved but had no way to pinpoint it.